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Showing posts from December, 2019
  My Journey through the Introduction of Digital Media +  Missions: Creativity, Culture, Methodology  Mission 1: Creativity It all started off on September 18th and 25th, where we all got introduced to the Introduction to Digital Media Module and the lecturers were explaining all about the module and what the missions had to offer and the name of the missions were Creativity, Culture and Methodology. We were told these are the missions we are going to be doing for this semester until Christmas. And with each mission, there were different types of projects and tasks we had the choice to do. The first mission we had to do was the Creativity mission, The different types of projects and tasks the Creativity mission had were: - Art of the Animated GIF  - Digital Audio  - Augmented Reality  - Interactive Fiction  - Gaming  - Adaptation, Remixes, and Mashups - Creative Coding  - Critical Making  We had to do these projects as groups so we were put into or