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 My Journey through the Introduction of Digital Media + 
Missions: Creativity, Culture, Methodology 

Mission 1: Creativity

It all started off on September 18th and 25th, where we all got introduced to the Introduction to Digital Media Module and the lecturers were explaining all about the module and what the missions had to offer and the name of the missions were Creativity, Culture and Methodology. We were told these are the missions we are going to be doing for this semester until Christmas. And with each mission, there were different types of projects and tasks we had the choice to do. The first mission we had to do was the Creativity mission, The different types of projects and tasks the Creativity mission had were:

- Art of the Animated GIF 
- Digital Audio 
- Augmented Reality 
- Interactive Fiction 
- Gaming 
- Adaptation, Remixes, and Mashups
- Creative Coding 
- Critical Making 

We had to do these projects as groups so we were put into or we chose people to put into groups and I was in a group with David Rooney and Shane O'Donnell.

At first, we wanted to do Gaming. In this mission, we explore the processes and tools of game design and game programming and produce our own game by the end of the mission. The reason why we wanted to do Gaming in the first place was that we all had something we liked in common which was gaming, we all have a gaming console of some sort which can be an Xbox, Playstation, PC or Nintendo. We all played video games on a daily basis and we have been for years and we knew exactly how to work a controller and a games system. We thought we wanted to make a platformer game and then a little report on the history of gaming, the different types of genres of games and what is really popular and how it is has blown up from the past couple of years to what it is now today. 

We wanted to try to make the game with Steam Workshop, Google Game Builder and Scratch. But we figured out at the end that this game we wanted to make was kind of a long shot and it wasn't going to be done in time so we looked at the next big thing we really liked and that was GIFS so we did the Art of the Animated GIF project instead. The reason why we wanted to do the Art of the Animated GIF project was that I, David and Shane and plenty of other kids, teenagers and even adults and elders use and enjoy GIFS, we use them while we chat with people too, we use them as a form of entertainment, as a conversation starter or ender and it breaks the ice a lot of the time, it can even a tell a story within a 1-3 second span. Overall, GIFS is something we all love and enjoy and we all see them all the time on Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr, etc. They also tell a lot about what's happening in today's world and what is with pop culture nowadays. 

Now in the GIFS project, The animated GIF is a form of a digital image that is almost 30 years old, but recent years have seen its resurgence through popular use in social content sites like Tumblr and Reddit. In this mission, we research the history of the animated GIF and learn how to produce our own GIFS. Our goals for this project was to 

-Produce and share some animated GIFs

-Learn about the design and history of the GIF format

-Explore cultural practices around GIFs and their uses in different communities

-Learn about the technical specifications of a GIF file

So we thought in order to do this Project we had to be able to delegate tasks to one another so we delegated David Rooney to learn and how to make the Animated GIFS and go out make some himself he used an app called GIPHY in order to make the GIFS. And the GIFS that he made included a man doing tricks with a stick on fire, GIFS of Shane O'Donnell turning his head and moving it and of dogs moving, etc. I and Shane O'Donnell were delegated to do the whole research, presentation, and writeups involving Animated GIFS. Shane's responsibility when it came to the project was that he was the one that was making the presentation and 3-4 of the writeups. He wrote about :

  • Who made the GIF format and why?
  • What is the current legal status of the GIF patent and how has that changed over the years?
  • Where did the very similar PNG image format come from and why? 
He did a brief history of the Animated GIFS, who invented it and who it evolved over the last few years. 

And my responsibilities that I was delegated when it came to the project was that I had to do 4 writeups on the Animated GIFS which included: 

  • Why are GIFs so popular again?
  • How are GIFs used on Tumblr, and what are the constraints there?
  • Are GIFs used differently on Tumblr vs, say, Twitter?
  • Which segments of the population are familiar with gifs? Is there a generation gap?
I wrote about how GIFS weren't so popular until a few years ago back in the early 2000s when they started to become popular again. I also wrote about how the elders use GIFS compared to how the younger youth use GIFS. Elders use them more for chatting and sending GIFS in chat on Facebook. And younger people use them for making them and putting them on social media and making them entertaining and funny.

We knew what our roles are and we stuck by them and we had to do this project in 2-3 weeks until we had our very first presentation so we had ourselves a deadline. October 16th was the date of our presentation. We had prepared over 2-3 weeks of this project. We had first written up the project on Google Docs, it has an interactive system where the whole team can write all at once and they can edit whatever they like from their writings and from the other person's writing. After we have written up our project, Shane put the whole presentation into a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation and he has put all the information, facts and dates inside with David's Animated GIFS he made. 

We had a few issues at first trying to send the presentation to our lecturer at first and the reason being the file or the presentation was too large to send by email so we had to get someone's USB Drive stick to put our presentation in and then after that we were able to put it into the main computer and open up our presentation to present. 

The way how we approached the presentation is that I introduced the team and the project we are doing than Shane will then speak for 3 slides, I will speak for 3 slides and David will speak for 3 slides explaining his GIFS.
For the slides that I spoke, I had added a few personal experiences and opinions to give a little insight into how I went about and what I feel about GIFS and Social Media in general. 

At the end of our presentation, our lecturer told every group to do an evaluation of our project and our presentation overall and how well did we do. Were we really good, average or could do better? We evaluated every single aspect of our project and presentation and we saw some stuff that could be improved. We figured out that we weren't using that many photos, we could have used some photo examples of what a GIF does or a snapshot of the inventor of it, etc. Another one is that I used personal experiences which I didn't back up with research this wasn't good because people can get offended by personal opinions or experiences so that's why I should have added more research and fewer opinions. 

From all the evaluation, in the end, Our lecturer gave us a score that was in between Excellent and Satisfactory because they said it was a really good presentation and our talking was good, the posture and the body language and the engagement with the audience were excellent. But the thing that was slacking like we said was the lack of pictures and more research was needed in order for it to be a perfect presentation.   

Mission 2: Culture 

It all started off just after the first presentation we had done on the Creativity mission just on the 23rd of October 2019 now we are starting a new mission called Culture. Just like the Creativity mission, there is a whole list of different types of choice projects and tasks to do. The choice of projects and tasks we had were : 

-Activism & Agency
-Personal Data Tracking 
-Internet of Things 
-Augmented Reality
-Online Hate & Harassment: The Trouble with Trolling 
-Digital Privacy 
-Working for the Web 

Just like the last mission project, we were doing the projects in groups so I had to find some people that are doing the same project that I was doing which the project was Youtubing and immediately as soon as I saw Youtubing as one of the Culture projects I felt so happy and excited to do it because the thing is that I actually do Youtubing as my free time at home and outside. I have been doing everything relating to Youtubing as in recording videos, making thumbnails, editing videos, making & adding effects, etc. I have been doing it now for 3 - 4 years now and I was doing all of this while I was still in school and doing a PLC course, I started doing it when I was about 15-16 years old. I started making gaming videos and vlogs, I played games such as FIFA, Call of Duty and Fortnite those were the games I revolved the channel around at first then I transitioned more towards real-life videos, challenges, and skits.  

So for the project, I had to find other people to do this Youtubing Project with me and at first, it was quite difficult because no one really wanted to do Youtubing and it was kind of unfortunate of that outcome. But eventually, someone actually did want to do the Youtubing project with me and I had 3 members plus myself so that makes it 4 in the group. The people that were in the group were Celine, Megan Kelly, and Livia Albuquerque. I had been reaching out to students in my class if they wanted to Youtubing and these were the students that came along on board. But unfortunately, one of our members Celine wanted to leave the group because she wanted to focus more on Blogging than Youtubing because that was the thing she felt the most comfortable doing and had some experience as well so it was understandable. So in the end, it was just me, Megan and Livia left in the group.

Our goal was that we wanted to explain the history and the few main different parts about Youtube itself such as Demonetization, Clickbait,  the history of Youtube, Youtube Drama, How Youtubers make money on the site. Our main goal was to show how an actual viral Youtube video would like to the audience so I was thinking of making a Youtube video with my group and give some form of direction on how we go about making it which is, finding a niche, finding what's trending on youtube (The Trending Page), then look about how we can replicate it in our own way and style.  There are many niches, trends, and genres of videos on Youtube to watch there are limitless options on what you can watch on Youtube it is incredible. With my group, we have to decide on 1 video topic and genre to do. This is going to be a little bit difficult considering there might be people with different tastes of videos they watch on youtube. Some may like cooking videos, vlogging videos, How-to videos, Entertainment videos, Comedy videos, etc. Once we find the genre of video that we think is the best for us all and that is pretty relatable for everyone in the group than we can proceed with making the actual video itself and most importantly the presentation.

So from the get-go, we had the idea of delegating work to one another like the other project so I was responsible for editing the video and writing stuff about Clickbait, Megan was writing up stuff about Demonetization, Livia was responsible for writing up a Brief History of Youtube and setting the presentation up and we had the idea about doing a brief history of Youtube for example, Who was the inventor of Youtube? How many hours of Youtube videos are being watched? How many users are using Youtube over the years? What year it was invented? What is trending on Youtube?  Etc. 

With me, I had the idea of writing stuff up about Clickbait and the whole process of misleading content, thumbnails, and titles. I wanted to write about the pros and cons of Clickbait, How it affects Youtube? Who uses clickbait outside of Youtube? Because clickbait is not only used in Youtube but in blog posts, news, and interview titles, etc. The main thing that we did in the project was that we have done an "A Day In The Life Of A College Student " video. Which outlines what a college student does every day so we had to vlog the majority of our day from waking up, going to college, heading to class, what we did during break, more classes, being with friends, etc. Megan and Livia recorded theirs on Thursday while I did mine the next week on a Monday because I wasn't able to come in due to sickness.

The stuff that I recorded was me waking up at 7 in the morning then I went to go and get changed into different clothes, have some breakfast and then after that, I finally get ready to head off to college. I recorded me next going into my first class which was a Web Development Lab on a Monday and it showed a tiny clip of me doing my work in class and recording what I had done on the computers. Next, I went to go to my next class which was a Personal Development Lecture but that had been canceled so we had an hour to all to ourselves to do whatever we wanted so I had gone into the canteen with some friends from my class to the canteen and we decided to play some UNO. When the hour was over, we all went down to our next class which was another Web Development class the reason why there was another Web Development class was that it got pushed from all the other weeks because we didn't' have any Web Development lectures at all from the past few weeks in College. We went into the lecture and we were there for about 2 hours and the lecture was about our project that we have to over Christmas which was that we had to make a website of our own choice of topic that we like and the lecturer was giving us advice on what to do. I then recorded a bit of the lecture and I explained what happened with Personal Development and Web Development. After that lecture was over, the day was officially over then I had finished up recording the video now I had to go home and edit the whole thing.

After I recorded the entire day, I went home and I started to edit the whole video, I needed Megan and Livia to send me their clips of what they recorded for me to edit as well along with the clips I recorded. The editing process took about 7 hours of work to get to become perfect because there was a lot of times where they were like "ahh , uhh, and, like" that is the type of things nobody wants to hear on a video because it makes them sound unprofessional so I edited it out.
I edited just in time for Wednesday so it gave me time on Tuesday to go over the video for come mistakes or changes. The duration of the video overall was 12 minutes.

Wednesday (November 13th, 2019) has come and I had done some final last-minute preparation I had to send the link of the video to Livia and Megan so that they can put it into the presentation and make sure it is up and running. Livia and Megan have done their part so now it is time for the presentation. We went up for the presentation, I introduced the team to everyone and then we began our presentation. It was Megan 1st to talk, then Livia, then Me. Megan talked about Demonetization, Livia talked about History, and I talked about the Clickbait aspect and we showed the video that we had recorded together. And that was the end of our Culture project. We had to do an Evaluation session were we go over what can we improve on for the next project and the next mission in the future just like we did in the first mission of the semester "Creativity".

What I thought overall from this whole project was that I think that we should have added more photos in our presentation and less writing because people will more be drawn into the presentation and become more interested in what we have to say.  With only words on our presentation, the audience can read the presentation faster than we can say it out loud to them so that's why I think it is better that next time we should put in tiny main keyword bullet points to give our point across to the audience. Next, we should have probably shown our process as well because nobody really cares about the history of Youtube and all that, they know it already. What they really want to see is the stuff we had to go through in order to make the project a reality such as the editing process, the recording process, the equipment we used, the software we used to edit on, etc. In my opinion, this would have gotten Excellent grades in the end. But in the end, we had gotten a grade between Satisfactory and Excellent that is what our lecturer has given us. She really loved the video, the way we presented it was amazing and like I said at the start she told us we should have added more photos and screenshots instead of full-on facts about Youtube and we should have also added tiny bullet points as well. 

Mission 3: Methodology 

It all started off just after the week of the 2nd presentation we ever had on the Culture mission now this is the final mission of the semester and year which was the Methodology mission. And this one was kind of intimidating for me at the start I looked at it and I thought to myself I don't get any of this stuff at all and everything looked difficult and hard. The choice of projects and tasks that we had on offer to do was : 

  • Networks 
  • Image Visualization 
  • Mapping 
  • Text Analysis 
  • Digital Journalism 

Looking at all of these projects I started to get a little bit worried, but I researched a lot more into it and I found out that Digital Journalism is the best option for me because it was all relatable to media, news, fake news, Youtubing. Because on Youtube there is a lot of drama on the site and famous Youtubers are always spreading fake allegations of other YouTubers and that's what Digital Journalism is all about to me. So from researching that, I decided to do Digital Journalism. 

In this module, we will have to identify a topic or pose a question, investigate that question, and tell the story we discover using a confluence of modalities and digital tools.

There are many different ways of telling a story in Digital Journalism such as: 

  1. Vertical Video: often with captions, pioneered by AJ+ and NowThis
  2. Horizontal Stories: swipeable cards like Snapchat Stories and its clones
  3. Longform scroll telling: evolved from the original NY Times Snowfall
  4. Structured news: like the original Circa or the reusable cards at
  5. Live blogs: frequently used for big events
  6. Listicles: like Buzzfeed
  7. Newsletters and briefings: which seem to be on-trend right now
  8. Timelines: which I expected to be more common
  9. Bots and chat: from the chat-styled Qz app to the many attempts to deliver news within chat apps
  10. Personalised: which typically is used to filter the choice of stories, rather than the story itself
  11. Data visualisation: from graphs to interactive
  12. VR and AR

Now this presentation was a little different so instead of actually researching and doing the project and presenting it, we actually make a video and let all the other people watch your video and do the presentation that way. So you don't have to go up in front of everyone in the middle of the classroom instead you had to either do a voiceover of the content you are doing the research for or go out and film with a video camera all about your project topic and that's how you would present it. We still did the research and doing the project and presenting but we just have to do it in a video format.

The first step of this project was that I had to find 2 people to do this project with because just like the last 2 times, this is a group project. I was looking around and I was texting my college group chat who wants to do this project with me and I eventually found 2 people to join me they were Jotham and Kain these people were going to be my project members through the duration of the project. 

The first phase of this project was "brainstorming" and we discussed what are we going to base Digital Journalism about, there were a few ideas being thrown around such as the history of Digital Journalism, The Start of Journalism itself, Who invented journalism, How is Journalism relevant to us today? What way can we tell our story to other people? What kind of story/event/tragedy will we do our journalism piece on? etc. Through doing our brainstorm and research into Digital Journalism we found out a really good topic to do it on and that was fake news.

 Fake news is everything when it comes to journalism and the majority of all pieces of Journalism is all fake news. The most amount of fake news will come from social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, etc the Internet has so much power when it comes to making something real or fake. For example, The death of the Youtuber and Streamer Ninja struck a lot of controversies, which in reality he wasn't dead at all it was supposed to be a prank that he died from "LIGMA" which is a toilet humor joke from the internet. Another example is how US President Donald Trump claims he opened an Apple factory in Texas that has been running since 2013. Also, the British rock band, Coldplay will pause touring until they can offer "carbon neutral" concerts. All of this information I had written was fake news it is not real.

So after hours of research, we found out that we will do fake news as the topic, The fake news we will base it all around is Shaun Ferns putting on a fake accent that sounds like a mix of American and Donegal when in reality he was born in the outskirts of Ballymun Co.Dublin. The way how we are going to tell this whole story was in a 5-minute skit video. That was one of the requirements of this project was that your video needed to be approximately 5 minutes, so we needed to make the most out of those 5 minutes and tell a good story in it.  

We had 2 choices for a fake news story, 1 was that the canteen was poisoning all of the food with rat poisoning and laxatives or 2 Shaun's fake accent. In the end, we chose to do it on Shaun's "Fake" accent because we wanted to go down the comedic route with this project.

We wanted to tell the story in a Horizontal video format which we were recording with a camera. The camera we used was a Canon EOS M10 Digital Camera and that was my own personal camera that I use for my vlogging and videos. So we planned out on the 9th of December 2019 to start recording the video and we planned out some shots in the locker gym in the D Block, the library in the F Block and just outside on the seating areas outside the D Block and the canteen area in the D Block. We also wanted to make a gossip page so it makes it look like that the whole college knows that Shaun has a fake accent and it adds more to our storyline. We planned that myself, Jotham and Kain were all going to be inside the video starring as characters. We also wanted to get a screen recorder inside and with the screen recorders, they are going to take action with us texting other people the rumor about Shaun. We all had a screen recorder app on our phone so we all used it to do the next scenes. We also tried to not send a message to other people as well. The social media that we will be using is Snapchat and this is best one we can use in terms of messaging other people and with Snapchat we can change our names to anything we want so, when we are doing the texting other people scenes we can change our names to different people so it would look like another person we are texting and not us. The way how we are going to edit the video is with Adobe Premiere Pro and it was said that is mandatory to use Adobe Premiere Pro and nothing else besides that. So I can't use editing software such as iMovie or Final Cut Pro X which I am more used to editing my videos with, I had to use Adobe Premiere Pro which was going to be a bit of a challenge. But not too much of a challenge considering I know how-to video edit.

We did the first shot inside the gym locker in the D Block and that was where Jotham was confronting Kain about a rumor that was going on about Shaun Ferns having a fake accent and he starts showing the story on his phone and Kain is surprised that see that after so long Shaun had a fake accent this whole time.  The next scene we did was inside the canteen area and this was Kain's solo scene and this will be of him texting other people the rumor about Shaun having the fake accent and of him checking the supposed Gossip page all about Shaun's fake accent. The next scene was Jotham doing the same thing that Kain was doing which was sending the rumor out to different people on social media with the picture of the Gossip Page itself. Then did my scene where I was outside texting to other people the rumor about Shaun's fake accent. After we had finished our solo scenes, we decided to film in the library at the F Block recording the entire body of students in the library at work these students are meant to represent them getting the text from us and they are all intrigued to see the text. We couldn't record with my camera because it was too much attention so instead we had Jotham record with his phone all the student body in the library. Then the last and final scene was Kain walking into the locker room in the D Block and then telling him of him telling Shaun that it was all made up and is it real and than Jotham will say "oh I literally just said to everyone I know". When he says that line that's when I turn the camera around and say to the camera "Don't Believe everything you see Online" and that's the title of our Skit. And after that line is said that is the end of the skit.  

The next phase of this video was editing this whole entire video together, so first I had to get the clips from my camera and from the screen recordings from Kain and Jotham to send it to me via email and my video clips from my camera via USB. Next was importing the clips into my laptop and then I started editing the video. The first I had done was put an intro scene in which I put some graphic effects over the first scene which said "Don't Believe Everything you see Online" which was the title of our skit and beside it will say "Skit by Nasim, Jotham, and Kain". Next, I proceeded to put in the clips from the day and trim out the unnecessary parts out of the video and try to get up to 5 minutes. Next, was that I added in the screen recordings of the conversations that me, Kain and Jotham were having in the video. I added in the screen recording that corresponded with the conversation that each person was having over the individuals head and made the video small enough to fit above his head, I was editing all this on Adobe Premiere Pro and so I went on the clip itself clicked on effect controls and than clicked on motion and resized the video to fit over the persons head. And I did that with each and every single person especially the people inside the library getting the text.


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